Monday, July 19, 2010

Back to business

After almost a week off for Naadam, everyone was back in the office today ready to get back to work. As our MCC Resident Country Director Robert Reid reminded us in the staff meeting this morning, there are 3 years and 2 months left to complete the Compact. Just a few updates on recent project activities: The Peri-Urban Project is almost finished with its field verification process, only two soums left. After the process is completed and the project receives a 'no objection' from MCC, the PIU will be able to begin project implementation. The Vocational Education and Training Project has finalized a list of vocational facilities that will be renovated. The Health Project signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Minister of Health and the Minister of Education and Science and will be developing a new curriculum for health education in the country. The Health PIU has also finalized a list of hospitals that will be receiving new mammography machines. The Energy and Environment Project signed an MOU with the UN Development Programme last week to subsidize energy efficient homes in UB and will be signing MOUs with the Minister of Minerals and Energy and Khan Bank in the near future to collaborate on providing subsidies for energy efficient products.

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