Monday, June 21, 2010

MCA briefs U.S. ambassador on quarterly progress

Ulaanbaatar ( – United States Ambassador to Mongolia Jonathan Addleton visited MCA headquarters this morning to receive his quarterly briefing on the activities of MCA’s Project Implementation Units (PIUs) from March 2010 to this month. MCC Director Resident Country Director Robert Reid, MCA CEO S.Bayarbaatar, PIU directors, and other key members of MCC/MCA leadership and staff attended the meeting. Ambassador Addleton opened the meeting by remarking on the importance of the quarterly briefings on keeping him informed about the progress of MCA projects and stressing the importance of taking full advantage of the summer months to implement project activities. The project directors then presented brief summaries of their projects’ major activities since March.

The Peri-Urban Project presented its progress on herder group selection for the leasing of peri-urban pasture lands and selection and assessment of hundreds of land plots to be leased to these herder groups. The project also mentioned its successful efforts in implementing public awareness campaigns including a partnership with Education TV to inform the public about the project’s efforts. The Property Rights Project presented its key activities in improving land registration and registering ger area residences in Ulaanbaatar and its wider aim of reforming Mongolia’s property registration process. The Vocational Education and Training Project’s main activities included the completion of a nationwide labor market study, the identification of 15 vocational schools that will receive equipment upgrades, and the establishment of three centers of excellence for the construction, mining, and health sectors. The Health Project summarized its key activities which included the planning and hosting of an international conference on Non-Communicable Diseases and Injuries that took place in April. The Road Project discussed its progress on selecting contractors and beginning the pre-construction activities on the 176.4 km road from Choir to Sanshand and road and bridge construction in Ulaanbaatar. The Energy and Environment Project discussed its work with engineers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in testing energy-efficient stoves and insulation for gers and small houses for eventual distribution to residents. The Communication Team mentioned its efforts to publicize MCA activities through activities including a radio drama broadcast on national public radio, articles published in Mongolian newspapers, and the release of MCA’s 2009 annual report.

Ambassador Addleton also discussed with the project directors some of the challenges that have risen this quarter including the Peri-Urban Project’s additional fieldwork, currently underway, to ensure their project’s compliance with a World Bank resettlement policy. The ambassador expressed his optimism about the work of MCA in future project implementation and his willingness to help the organization achieve its goals in various capacities.

MCC Resident Country Director Robert Reid and Ambassador Addleton.

Ambassador Addleton speaking with MCA CEO S.Bayarbaatar.

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